Connecticut trains travel fast at times but never even come close to those in Europe that are said to move at speeds as high as 300 miles per hour. A high speed train in the United States may reach speeds over 100 miles per hour on certain stretches of track. Those who oppose high speed locomotion worry that traveling at such high speeds increases the risk for railroad accidents to occur.
Such people may be right as made evident by a recent crash on the rails in another state. Amtrak officials and many others now await the results of an extensive investigation launched in the aftermath of a tragic train derailment that landed more than 70 people in the hospital. It was the maiden voyage with passengers along a new route that had undergone several tests to ensure safety.
The high speed train derailed in Washington, leaving coach cars dangling from an overpass. Train workers are always at risk for injury since railroad work is considered a highly dangerous job. Generally speaking, however, train travel is said to be a safe means of navigation for workers and passengers alike.
It is said that a lawsuit to block the new high speed route had proved unsuccessful. When railroad accidents like this one occur, it leaves many wondering whether high speed travel is worth the risk. Injured Connecticut railroad workers are able to pursue recovery for their losses because of the Federal Employers Liability Act, which allows them to file personal injury claims when it is determined that employers were negligent. Injured passengers may pursue justice through the civil justice system as well.
Source:, “A Fatal Derailment in Washington State“, David A. Graham, Dec. 18, 2017