News stories over the past few years have often included horrific details of train accidents in various parts of the United States. Many such accidents involve passengers and/or pedestrians; others involve workers themselves. If a recovering injured railroad worker in Connecticut is unable to return to his or her particular workplace duties, he or she may be able to claim railroad disability benefits to help make ends meet in the meantime.
This type of benefit is typically paid through a bi-weekly system. Not every worker receiving railroad disability benefits was injured in a train wreck. Benefits may also go to those who are too ill to work or pregnant workers temporarily unable to fulfill their duties.
If you’re collecting benefits, you cannot also be receiving any wages or other forms of income. However, insurance payouts do not impede your eligibility to receive disability pay. If you are also pursuing personal injury litigation against your employer or another party or parties, any benefits you’re receiving will be treated as a lien against a settlement or verdict in such cases.
There are time limitations on when you must file your application for railroad disability benefits, typically within 10 days of your injury or illness. It’s often helpful to act alongside legal representation in case any obstacles arise. At Cahill & Perry, P.C. Attorneys at Law, in Connecticut, we are fully equipped to help protect your rights and expedite the claims process on your behalf so you can focus on recuperation.