For Connecticut railway workers and passengers alike, there are always risks involved with train travel. Several serious railroad accidents have occurred in recent years, including a tragedy in another state on a recent Sunday. Sadly, two railroad workers died in the incident and as many as 100 other people suffered injuries.
This train wreck was the third fatal accident on Amtrak railway systems in the past three months. The crash occurred in early morning hours, leading some to suggest that darkness may have been a factor. The tragedy unfolded when a passenger train slammed into a parked freight train.
A switch was reportedly thrown that caused the locomotive to veer onto a sidetrack where the freight vehicle was stopped. At least 150 people were on board at the time, and the passenger train was traveling at approximately 59 mph upon impact. Many passengers were sleeping when the accident occurred. Some later told of feeling dazed and confused when the crash jolted them awake.
One man described being thrown into the seats in front of him and listening to the screams and chaos unfold around him as he tried to make his way to safety. He said many of those around him were injured and bleeding. An Amtrak representative blamed the freight train company for negligence, saying the throw switch system is run by the company and was not operating when the tragedy occurred. Connecticut railroad accidents that result in fatalities or injuries typically lead to lengthy investigations, during which time those affected may wish to consult with experienced attorneys to discuss ways to seek restitution for their losses.
Source:, “Amtrak crash in South Carolina leaves 2 dead, over 100 hurt“, Meg Kinnard, Feb. 4, 2018