Most employees in Connecticut are able to file claims for workers’ compensation benefits if they’re involved in workplace accidents that result in their own injuries. Railroad worker injuries, however, are not covered under workers’ comp for all railroad accident situations involving employees, which are handled under the Federal Employers Liability Act. A railroad worker in another state has brought a situation to the court’s attention, accusing his employers of negligence on the job.
The man was injured during the normal course of his duties in 2014. He also suffered personal injury in another workplace accident the following year. In a lawsuit filed in a U.S. District Court, the worker claims Union Pacific Railroad Company should be held legally accountable for his injuries because it failed to provide a safe working environment in both incidents.
The injured worker says he not only suffered severe physical injuries, he also suffered tremendous mental anguish, disability and other damages. His claim seeks compensation for all damages, including all medical bills and court costs. Union Pacific Railroad Company is accused of failing to require and/or implement safe working practices.
A main difference between FELA and workers’ compensation is that railroad worker injuries deemed caused by employer negligence can be tried against an employer, whereas workers’ comp generally protects employers from personal liability lawsuits. Such situations, whether in Connecticut or elsewhere, are often complex, and the civil justice system is challenging to navigate on one’s own. Therefore, it’s often best to allow an attorney experienced in railroad workers’ accidents to act as a personal advocate in court.
Source:, “Union Pacific Railroad Co. employee alleges he was injured twice on the job“, Lhalie Castillo, Accessed on May 24, 2017