Connecticut railroad workers are often at risk for injury when they carry out their workplace duties. Those who work directly on trains, such as engineers, conductors or linemen, are most at risk. This type of work ranks high on most lists regarding dangerous jobs in America. When railroad worker injuries occur, there is a special system that oversees benefits claims and personal injury litigation.
This system was developed through the Federal Employers Liability Act. It is different from workers’ compensation because it allows injured railroad workers to sue their employers if negligence on the part of the railroad is deemed a causal factor in a particular situation. Collision-related injuries are not the only risks associated with railroad work, however.
Railroad workers may also suffer repetitive stress injuries. Such injuries often come about from prolonged and repeated actions or postures that adversely affect certain parts of the body. RSI often involves neck or back injuries as well as those affecting joints or muscles.
Cahill & Perry, P.C. Attorneys at Law, in Connecticut, are fully prepared to deal with all aspects of litigation related to train accidents and occupational injuries. When pursuing maximum available recovery for railroad worker injuries, it is crucial to include the most thorough documentation possible to help substantiate a claim. If you would like to discuss a particular railroad incident that resulted in injury, you can request a meeting by accessing the contact form conveniently located on our website. Because we understand that most workers wish to explore economically feasible options, we provide an initial consultation free of charge.