When a railroad worker in Connecticut suffers injury or illness on the job, he or she is sometimes able to return to the workplace after recuperating. During the period of recovery, it is often possible to obtain railroad disability benefits. These temporary benefits are meant to help workers make ends meet during time off while they’re unable to carry out their duties on the job.
Such benefits are typically issued on a biweekly basis. As with most government programs, there are certain eligibility requirements to fulfill in order for a claim to be approved. For instance, a worker must first show inability to work due to pregnancy, illness or some other condition when seeking disability benefits.
You also can’t collect wages from your employer while you’re collecting railroad disability benefits. If you happen to be collecting insurance payments related to your injury or illness, it does not prohibit you from seeking disability benefits. To expedite the claims process, it is always best to file your application within 10 days of the onset of your injury or illness. You’ll also need to include a signed statement from your physician to help substantiate your claim.
In Connecticut and all other states, any railroad disability benefits create a lien with regard to any compensation received through personal injury litigation against your employer or other third party. Such issues can be complicated, which is why most railroad workers consult with attorneys who are well-versed in the Federal Employers Liability Act before filing their claims. Cahill & Perry, P.C., Attorneys at Law are fully prepared to assist any worker in this state in need of railroad-related legal guidance.