Railroad accidents can be overwhelming, physically and financially, for victims and their families. Cahill & Perry, P.C. is a railroad injury law firm serving railroad accident victims in the Philadelphia area. Our attorneys are experienced in representing victims of train or railyard-related accidents and will take assertive action to see your case through to a successful settlement.
Read below for information on the two main types of railroad accidents, occupational and accidental.
Railroad workers should not suffer because of the negligence of their employers, and the railroad attorneys at our law firm can help you get the FELA award you deserve for your railroad injury, whether it is occupational or accidental.
If you have been injured in railroad accident or suffer from an occupation illness and need legal representation, call us at Cahill & Perry law firm at our toll free number, 800-576-0515, or contact us through our quick web form.
If you are a railroad worker who has been injured on the job, you need a lawyer who understands the complicated FELA claims process. Find out how we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Protecting Injured Railroad Workers,
Passengers And Families
40 years of experience
43 Trumbull Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 203-777-1000
Fax: 203-865-5904
470 Atlantic Avenue, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Phone: (617) 217-2920
Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10174
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 212-453-7300