There are many dangers along Connecticut railways. Those who work on the railroad are at great risk for injuries as this type of work is among the most dangerous in the nation. However, not only employees may suffer injuries when railroad accidents occur; passengers, and even pedestrians in the area might as well.
When a pedestrian is struck by a moving train, the chances of survival are slim. In cases where a train accident victim does survive, the injuries suffered are often catastrophic and permanently debilitating. Such situations often necessitate repeated medical treatments and lifelong assisted living care.
The extent of an injury is not always immediately apparent following a motor vehicle wreck of any kind. Where train crashes are concerned, it may also be challenging to determine the exact cause of a particular incident. A sheriff’s department in another state recently reported that a man had been walking in a southbound direction on a Sunday just after 5 p.m. when a train hit him.
Sadly, the man was pronounced dead on site. If a similar tragedy were to occur in Connecticut, an immediate family member might have grounds to pursue recovery for monetary losses in court by filing a wrongful death claim against any party or parties deemed responsible for a loved one’s fatality. Litigation is by no means a replacement for a spouse, parent or child; however, compensation awarded in a successful case may be a tremendous help to cover funeral costs or other expenses typically associated with railroad accidents.
Source:, “Man killed in train-pedestrian accident in Becker County“, Aug. 7, 2017