As a paid employee of a Connecticut railroad, you likely hope to enjoy a safe and long-lasting career. Since railroad work is among the most dangerous jobs in the nation, that may not always be possible, especially if an accident occurs that causes you injury. If you suffer any injury or illness that prevents you from being able to carry out your workplace duties, you may qualify for railroad disability benefits.
Temporary benefits in such situations are typically disbursed on a bi-weekly basis. Pregnancy or childbirth are also conditions that may render a worker incapable of doing his or her job for a time. Receiving payments from insurance coverage (perhaps following a motor vehicle accident) in no way impedes your ability to collect railroad disability benefits.
You must file a railroad disability benefits application within a given amount of days from the onset of your injury or illness. If you file late, your application process may be delayed and/or you may incur a reduction of benefits. If you have questions regarding legal issues pertaining to a railroad accident that left you with an injury or illness that makes you unable to work, you can discuss the issue with someone well versed in such laws.
At Cahill & Perry, P.C., in Connecticut, we are fully prepared to assist you in all aspects of railroad disability benefits application and other legal matters concerning injured railroad workers. A temporary setback on the job should not leave you financially destitute and unable to provide for your family. Our experienced team is equipped to help you protect your rights, get the care you need and seek financial supplements to help you make ends meet during recovery.