Railroad injuries and deaths have been climbing in recent years, and no one is more at risk than people who work with and around railroads. In 2021, 3,216 railroad employees reported being injured or becoming ill because of the circumstance of their job. In fact, working on a railroad is one of the most dangerous jobs.
So what does all of this mean? It means that if you work on a railroad, it is vital to know your rights as an employee if you become ill or injured in relation to your nature of work and to have a railroad injury attorney on your side is a wise choice.
Here are some of the things you need to know about what you should do if this happens to you and why having a FELA attorney is important.
If you are a railroad worker, you have a much higher risk of becoming either sick or injured than the average worker. Many railroad employees develop lung cancer due to repeated exposure to carcinogens on the job, including diesel fumes. In fact, working for a railroad is associated with a 1% – 2% risk of developing lung cancer that would become fatal.
But lung cancer is far from the only risk associated with working with trains. There are many other cancers and other fatal diseases that also pose a risk to railroad workers, which studies have shown to be related to handling and inhaling hazardous materials, including asbestos, diesel, and many other chemicals.
Although fatalities on the job are relatively rare, injuries can and do happen. In fact, railroad injuries in a given year happen to workers on the job ranging from falls to crashes, electrocutions, and other incidents. All the abovementioned risks mean that, as a railroad worker, your chances of having serious physical consequences from your workplace are significant.
So with all this in mind, what are your rights as a railroad worker if you do become ill or injured as a result of your job? The good news is that railroad workers have had legal protections longer than most other labor groups in the United States, partly because of how long the industry has been around.
For instance, the Federal Railroad Safety Act gives workers the right to report dangerous workplace conditions or refuse to work in these conditions without facing the consequences. It also stipulates that workers have the right to follow their doctors’ orders even if it means being unable to do certain workplace tasks.
The Federal Employers’ Liability Act, commonly abbreviated as FELA, is another important law protecting the rights of railroad workers who have been injured on the job. Under FELA, railroad workers are exempt from laws keeping employees from suing their employers due to hazardous work conditions.
It stipulates that workers can opt to open a lawsuit in either state or federal courts and that they must only show proof that they were injured due to workplace negligence. It also involves more strenuous consequences for employers who violate health and safety standards. FELA case settlements may provide injured workers compensation for their loss of wages, medical costs, emotional toll, physical therapy fees, and other factors.
Having the right attorney makes all the difference when it comes to making a claim from the employer for workplace negligence in the railroad industry. Laws relating to the unique risks faced by railroad workers and the rights they have are not widely known. For this reason, it is vital that you hire a railroad injury attorney in FELA law who knows exactly how to help you get the compensation you deserve for your workplace injury.
Cahill & Perry, P.C. have the best FELA attorneys you need for your case. Our firm has served railroad workers in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey for over 40 years. Our clients have received millions of dollars in railroad injuries settlement amounts to compensate for their emotional pain and suffering, lost wages, and more.
If you are in need of the best railroad injury attorneys, Cahill & Perry, P.C. can help you understand your rights and get the compensation that you deserve. To get started, contact us for a confidential consultation today.
If you are a railroad worker who has been injured on the job, you need a lawyer who understands the complicated FELA claims process. Find out how we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Protecting Injured Railroad Workers,
Passengers And Families
40 years of experience
43 Trumbull Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 203-777-1000
Fax: 203-865-5904
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405 Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10174
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 212-453-7300