It’s logical to assume most Connecticut railroad workers started the new year hoping that 2018 would bring them much success in their careers and that they would stay safe as they carry out their tasks and duties on the job. Sadly, the new year did not begin that way for a man in another state who suffered injuries when a mishap occurred while he was on duty. The Federal Employers Liability Act protects railroad workers and covers all aspects of obtaining compensation associated with railroad worker injuries, and this victim has apparently asserted his rights to pursue compensation by filing a legal claim.
It was New Year’s Day 2017 when the accident occurred. The man had apparently reported for work like any other day and was carrying out his usual duties on a locomotive. Suddenly, chaos broke loose when the traction motor on the train where he was working exploded.
The man suffered injuries to multiple parts of his body, including his legs and back. Anyone who has ever suffered a severe back injury knows recovery following such incidents can be long and arduous. Injuries like these often prevent an employee from returning to the workplace for a long time, in some cases, permanently.
Railroad worker injuries such as those suffered by the man in this case often lead to litigation. This particular worker has a filed a FELA claim against his employers, stating that it was their failure to perform necessary inspections on the locomotive that caused the engine to explode and his injuries to occur. It is indeed an employer’s responsibility to make sure maintenance and service is provided for any and all equipment used by workers on the job. Connecticut workers with injuries they believe were caused by employer negligence may file similar claims in this state.
Source:, “Union Pacific Railroad Co. employee seeks damages over injuries caused by motor explosion“, Philip Gonzales, Jan. 18, 2018