Most Connecticut employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance to provide benefits to employees who are injured on the job. Railroad worker injuries, however, do not fall under such plans because all injury matters on the railroad are governed under the Federal Employers Liability Act, which is entirely different from workers’ comp insurance. One thing that makes the FELA unique is that it guarantees injured workers the opportunity to file personal injury claims against negligent employers.
There are typically two types of railroad injuries — those that occur in sudden accidents and those that develop over time, such as repetitive strain injuries. The latter is often referred to as occupational hazards, while injuries in the former category are acute. In either event, if a worker determines that his or her employer’s negligence was a causal factor to injury, he or she may seek restitution.
Some of the most common types of injury that occur in railroad accidents include severe burns, electrocution, asbestos-related illness, and traumatic brain or spinal injuries. Surviving a train accident may leave an employee unable to return to the workplace. Loss of potential earnings, expensive medical care and other costs related to such injuries can prompt financial hardship upon railroad workers and their families.
At Cahill & Perry, P.C. Attorneys at Law, in Connecticut, 30 years of practice is the backbone of personalized legal representation. When you request a meeting with this firm, you are connecting with a legal team that is well versed in FELA and experienced in railroad injury litigation. If you have suffered acute or occupational railroad worker injuries, our team can speak and act on your behalf to request the maximum compensation for damages to which you may be entitled.