If you or your loved one works on a Connecticut railroad, you likely understand that there are personal injury risks in the workplace. No job, no matter the industry, is 100 percent free of such risk; however, factory work, farming, commercial fishing and railroad jobs are typically more dangerous than others. Railroad worker injuries are often catastrophic, leaving those afflicted with partial or full, permanent disabilities.
Families are often unprepared to meet exorbitant expenses sometimes associated with on-the-job accidents. Many railroad workers have died in derailments or on-track collisions. Others have suffered loss of limbs, serious burns or other debilitating injuries. Such situations often prompt financial crises when medical bills start rolling in and workers are unable to return to their duties.
If you or your family member suffers a traumatic injury on the railroad or an occupational injury that has developed over time, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about the Federal Employers Liability Act. This is the law that governs benefits claims and personal injury lawsuits in connection with railroad worker injuries. You’ll be glad to know that, no matter what type of injury you or your loved one has suffered, there is no need to go it alone as you navigate the FELA process.
Cahill & Perry, P.C., Attorneys at Law, are committed to providing guidance and support to Connecticut families who have suffered due to railroad worker injuries. Our experienced legal team is prepared to litigate situations having to do with asbestos exposure, toxic chemicals or other workplace hazards. If you are in need of assistance to seek financial recovery for losses associated with railroad injuries of any kind, you may request a meeting by using the contact form conveniently located on our website.