A railroad injury can be physically and financially traumatizing for your and your family. The Boston, MA railroad accident lawyers at Cahill & Perry, P.C. are experienced in making sure you receive your full benefits as stipulated under federal legislation. Our firm has three decades of railroad injury award experience and has represented clients who work for Amtrak, Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad, and many other east coast lines.
If you have been injured while working on the railroad or for a railroad company, there are several federal legislative acts that protect your rights and benefits as a railroad employee.
These three legislative acts bestow important rights on the railway workers in Boston and nationally. Our Boston railroad lawyers are well versed in your entitlements under FELA, FMLA and FRSA, and will work hard to make sure your rights as a railroad employee are protected.
If you have been injured in a railroad accident or on the job at the railyard and need legal representation, call us at Cahill & Perry in Boston at our toll free number, 800-576-0515 , or contact us through our quick web form.
If you are a railroad worker who has been injured on the job, you need a lawyer who understands the complicated FELA claims process. Find out how we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Protecting Injured Railroad Workers,
Passengers And Families
40 years of experience
43 Trumbull Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 203-777-1000
Fax: 203-865-5904
Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10174
Toll Free: 800-654-7245
Phone: 212-453-7300